In this article we'll tackle how the person in-charged (Administrator) will handle the call-off requests. Topics that will be covered are :
A Call Off Request may either be initialized by the employee through a text line or an admin will directly input the request on the system. To get on this section, select CALL OFF from the main menu.
Note: Items on the list that were highlighted in yellow indicate that they are still unattended and still need assignment of reliever(s).
Adding Call Off Reason
Before proceeding to creating requests, we have to make sure that specific call off reasons exist to categorize the requests. This will be under the responsibility of an administrator.
- From the side menu, go to ADMIN then navigate to SETUP tab.
- From here, scroll down then select Call Off Reasons.
- To add a new item, just input the Name then assign a Number Value that will be used on the textline. (e.g. Instead of the employee replying “Sick”, he will just type “1”)
- Click CREATE once done. Created items are placed on the right side of the screen.
- To edit, just click the PEN icon next to the item and proceed with the modification.
Creating a Call Off Request
Assuming you already have the information either it was relayed or directly from an employee,
- From the list, hover to the Add button on the bottom-right corner to open the form.
- Then fill out the form and supply the necessary information.
- Select the date(s) of when the leave is effective. Then provide the necessary employee information (Name, Shift schedule, Reason, Project Assignment).
Note: This information will already be pre-populated if the request is from the text-line.
- Provide additional call off details on the notes container.
- At this stage, you may skip the assignment of reliever (if not yet finalized) and create this request already. Do so by clicking CREATE at the bottom-right. The new item should appear on the list.
Updating and/or Assigning a Reliever
In case you have to update the details of the request, extend leave or assign relievers, follow the steps.
- From the list, click the reference number of the item to be updated.
- Then perform the necessary modification.
Note: In the PROFILE section, you may check the background information of the employee.
- For assigning a reliever manually, once you select a project, the allotted field(s) for this will appear. Also, take note of the following :
- On the days that the employee is on leave, a reliever has to be assigned.
- And for every project in which the employee is associated, a reliever has to be assigned.
- Just select the reliever to be assigned. You may type out the name to filter the options.
- Then click UPDATE once finished.
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