In this article we’re going to tackle how to create and update an employee profile. Currently there are two ways to create: Individual creation via a fill-out form and Bulk uploading via a template. This article will focus on the former method.
Create an Individual Employee Profile
- From the default list view, click the button. This will open the form.
- Fill out the two-part form with as much information available. First part, Personal Information.
- Provide employee’s Full Name
- Select appropriate Crew Type (e.g. janitor, porter, reliever)
- If available, upload an identification photo of the employee by clicking the circle on the right.
- Specify Birthday by selecting from the calendar
- Select Gender and Marital Status
- Provide Email Address (if available)
- Provide Contact Number(s), Home and/or Mobile.
Note: Contact Number is required as this is used in many processes involving employees.
- Provide the current address of the employee
- Select the language(s) the employee uses for communication.
- Second part, the Payroll Information
- Provide the rest of the hiring-related information (Date Hired. Hourly Wage, Wage Adjustment, Seniority Date, Union Card)
- Select in which Branch is the employee assigned/ to be assigned.
- Select in which Project(s) is the employee assigned/ to be assigned. Selection can be
multiple. After selecting, click on any area outside the selection box to dismiss.
- Select the Task the employee will mainly focus on.
- After filling out, review and finalize your inputs then click the button. A new item should be added on the list of employees.
Update an Employee Profile
If for any reason you have to update a profile information, just follow the steps.
- Go to the Employees module.
- Click/Select the name of the employee from the list.
- From the profile details view, click
This will open the same form from when a profile was being created.
- Proceed with the changes you have to make. Once finished, click at the bottom.
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