This procedure can be executed for the following reasons:
- In case your device doesn’t have a built-in GPS and your browser returns your location inaccurately
- In case your device has a built-in GPS but still returns your location inaccurately
- In case you have to set a location of a project and you’re not in the site, but you can identify it from the map.
Things to know:
- Project Locator uses the integration of Google Maps.
- Google Maps uses GPS coordinates system to identify yours and other identifiable locations’ global addresses on the world map.
- GPS coordinates is composed of the longitude and latitude lines that when intersect will form a point on the grid or to put it simply “a location on the world map”.
Get the location (GPS coordinates) from Google Maps
- Access Google Maps application from your tablet/smartphone or click/copy this link: and open in your browser.
- Navigate on the map and locate where the project is. On the default flat view, buildings or facilities are displayed as rectangular/regular quadrilaterals (rectangle/square) shapes on the map.
- You may also try using the google map’s search feature. Input the name of the project or related information like its address to find it.
- Once you find the project’s facility, get its coordinates by (click + hold) within that area to mark it. Then this icon will appear indicating you selected this location, together with a dialog box containing the selected area’s information including the GPS coordinates that you need.
Latitude: Longitude:
- Copy the coordinates then login to Servi-Trak.
Add the GPS coordinates to the Project’s information
- Navigate to the Projects module then open the project in which associate this global address.
- Click the button then add the coordinates to the allotted fields like below and submit changes by clicking “UPDATE PROJECT” at the bottom.
- You may now see the project’s name on the list and its updated location plotted on the map.
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